ROUND FOUR: Has begun. It's harder, but favorites Jonathan Horton, Evan O'Dorney and four-timer Tia Thomas have all advanced, solving their logogriphs while the rest of us are preparing our corrigenda before settling down for some fresh-baked zwieback. Torquemada* ("Auto de fe? What's an auto de fe? It's what you oughtn't to do but you do anyway") was no torture for Josephine Kao, but John Doner couldn't bear "ursigram," Sam O'Donnell didn't get out of the woods with "silenus," "genetrix" left Amrit Sampalli (by the way, that dude is adorable) calling for his mother, and Olivia Lasché had trouble with a little word that isn't really used any more.
Canadians and Californians are still tied. Also, this just in: science is hard.
ETA: Kyle Mou be illeist**.
ETA: The Italian food curse claims the last Louisianan, Olivia Faul, with "bruschetta," Mandi Shoemaker goes out in search of a puncheon bag, and "truncal" truncates Lydia Wassink's run, but Akshat Shekar doesn't exsiccate with "exsiccate." I think "zeugma" is my new favorite word -- a classic example of a lexicographer giving a name to something that wasn't really begging for one. And just like that, a triple-elimination, including one person who couldn't spell the word for "the study of celebutards."
*Isaac took over at exactly this point in the post.
**Eugene Volokh loves this word.