Monday, June 18, 2007

BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THAT A GEODUCK IS A 150 YEAR-OLD GIANT CLAM: Wouldn't it be nice if the producers of Bravo's Top Chef and especially Project Runway aired a "Pop-Up" version of each episode after the main broadcast (or even, as the main broadcast) to explain some of the lingo and nuances during the show?

I mean, I know from mise en place, but I'm somewhat of an aspiring culinary geek. I had no idea that, for example, "because kangaroo has virtually no fat it can easily dry out during cooking", the many ways to cook a black chicken, a/k/a the "Silkie", or that alligator, when fried, tastes like chicken. I'd like to see these shows educate as well as entertain, and pop-ups can make these shows just a little less cryptic. Runway would've been a lot easier had I understood what ruching was...