DUDE, WHERE'S MY SYTYCD T-SHIRT? An interesting thing about the structure of So You Think You Can Dance is that some dancers win themselves what I suspect will be some relatively long-term immunity by virtue of who they find themselves partnered with during the first five weeks of the finals. Jaimie and Kameron, for example -- not that they're not excellent dancers, but by virtue of being paired with Hok and Lacey ought to find themselves safe for a while. Faina, on the other hand, is going to find herself at risk every single week until either she or Cedric gets the boot. (Admittedly, it was her fault last week, but Cedric was a bloody mess this week, as I suspect he will be during each and every non-hip hop performance.) As for the verging-on-interminable backstories, this week's Shut Up and Dance Award goes to Jaimie, for her one time at band camp? intonation and her "who me on national TV?" rambling.
Best moments this week: My God, that Tyce Diorio birds routine, and Pasha and Jessi dancing it. D-Trix and Hok performing their asses off. Lacey's abs. The Viennese waltz. D-Trix and Mia's tearfest. Jesus the matador.
Not the best moments this week: The lack of Danger! in the other Tyce Diorio routine. Lauren's smiley face and amateur hour hip hop moves. The pain of Ginger Rogers and Michael Jackson. Sara not looking remotely like a cape. A samba that looked nothing like a samba. (I swear I had the same Dancing With the Stars thought 2 minutes before Nigel uttered it.)
My call as to who's going home: Cedric and Shauna.
And you know that a show is finally making headway among the chatterati when it makes the New York Magazine approval matrix. Seriously, dude, where's my SYTYCD t-shirt?