served by Eddie Copeland as part of
an effort to compile "blogs that make you think". We're honored and humbled by the kudos. Obviously, I need to serve it back with my own set of five, and, therefore, it's on:
- The Onion A.V. Club blog. Just sharp writing about tv, film and whatnot.
- Jim Emerson. I've been a fan since the old CinePad days, and as Ebert's right-hand man he's now able to reach a broader audience. If you've never read his searing critiques of "awful movies" like Mississippi Burning and Dead Poet's Society, go here now.
- Reverse Shot. Just learned about these guys recently. Wicked smaht.
- The Good Phight. For Phillies fans who want to do more than just boo. Like U.S.S. Mariner, but without all the rainy weather.
- TechPresident. This daily survey from the folks at Personal Democracy Forum on "how the presidential candidates are using the web, and how the web is using them" is just essential for 2007-08. Already has broken a ton of stories, and the analysis is top-notch and largely nonpartisan.
These five blogs can now take the following logo and display it with pride: