SOMETIMES A TRAVESTY IS ALL YOU NEED: I actually hadn't intended to do a SYTYCD results post, but I was sufficiently disturbed by nearly everything that happened on tonight's show that I felt moved to post.
First there's the whole issue regarding that one couple who had no business being anywhere near the bottom three. I'm usually pretty good at coming up with the game theory explanation for what happens on shows like AI and SYTYCD, but I am flummoxed by this one. Given that they couldn't have expected to find themselves at the bottom, I'm not shocked that their solos weren't terribly strong (that, at least, was fairly predictable -- the first couple to truly unexpectedly land in the bottom three usually botches their solos). And I am grateful that the judges kept them around despite their dissatisfaction with the solos.
Which brings us to the two more predictable couples comprising the rest of the bottom three. The best solo of the night truly saved one of the dancers -- unfortunately, I haven't seen a single iota of that passion or talent anywhere in her partnered dances. And then there's the travesty. After all of Nigel's grand speechifying before the judges deliberated, well, he should be just a bit ashamed of himself. The male dancer who went home tonight had no business going home. (I realize you can arguably say the same thing about Ricky's departure last week, but at least he was kind of a wackadoodle.) I am a little mad at my favorite TV show.
Incidentally, who are these artists who serve as human jeopardy music while the judges deliberate every week?