Saturday, June 23, 2007

IT'S ERIE'S OWN O-NEED-ERS! For anyone with digital cable and nothing much going on tonight: one of those all-time great curl-up-on-the-couch-whenever-this-movie-turns-up movies is on HBO4 right now: That Thing You Do!

Just a few random thoughts before I join Mr. Cosmo on the couch:
  • Liv Tyler has never looked lovelier than she does in this movie.
  • Part of what makes this movie so great is one of the things that doomed Studio 60 to failure. Studio 60's sketch comedy = not funny. The hit song that drives the Oneders Wonders to fleeting fame and negligible fortune = brilliantly catchy. (And the movie is ballsy in that regard -- think about how many times that song is played over the course of the movie. If the song hadn't worked, the movie would have been DOA.)
  • I have never not gotten choked up during the scene when "That Thing You Do!" is played on the radio for the first time. It always happens the same way: I get a little misty when Fay hears the song at the mailbox and realizes what's going on, and it escalates until the car carrying Steve Zahn screeches to a halt in front of the appliance store, at which point I lose it entirely.