Monday, June 18, 2007

HOW WILL THEY MAKE IT THROUGH THIS CRISIS WITH ONLY EACH OTHER TO LEAN ON? I was a bit concerned at the end of last season that Big Love's producers had shot their "polygamy exposed!" arrow too early. But now I think it was a great move, and feel pretty confident in saying that I believe that season two will turn out to be significantly better than season one. (And hey! That was Emmylou Harris!)

Season one had a whole lot of setup. Sometimes way too much setup. But now the whole cast of characters is in place, we know who everyone is and why they act and react the way they do, and it's as if this whole strange-but-not-strange world has been set free to unfold naturally. Add in some much-improved writing and some beautiful acting from the sister-wives, explaining how they got here and how they feel about their peculiar institution, and you've got a show that has become a worthy addition to the HBO canon.

One nit, though -- for a family that's so concerned about having been publicly outed, they sure are cavalier about their kids' tendency to flap their jaws to their friends.