MEET ME IN MONTAUK: Remember back in January when American Film Institute announced it was revising its 1998 list of the 100 Greatest American Movies to include the last decade's worth of film, and we spent a long time debating it? Wednesday night, CBS airs the results in its annual three-hour clipfest extravanganza, and like every year, we'll be around to live-blog it.
Back in January, we debate it in terms of what recent films should crack the top 100. Anyone want to predict which films from their list of eligibles will join the AFI's canon?
Finally, if it's our annual AFI time, that means it's also time to wish our own Alex Gordon a happy four-year blogiversary, as his A List A Day site debuted on June 20, 2003. Anyone who can put together lists of lists like this and this, well, you can see why we're all big fans of Alex's work, and have been thrilled to have him on board here.