Thursday, March 4, 2010

HE'S LIKE THE HOBBIT -- ON CRACK: This week's Survivor was all about trust, where again so much of the players' thinking was based not so much as what they've demonstrated this season as what folks recall from their previous times on the show. But even if you're not sure how someone has played the game before ... if he looks like Gollum and spends all his spare time searching for The One Idol, I'd say you ought to be wary.

No, this season is not a Survivor for fans of hookups, "gosh I hope they catch that chicken" and the cutesy-poo. It's game on and game theory, and it's only in a season like this can you see someone propose a Tribal Council strategy as carefully arranged as a Burt Bacharach number, and in which everyone gets it right away. This season is such a keeper.

added: Sepinwall: "[A]fter an episode that had me repeatedly fist-pumping and caring about the game in a way I didn't think was possible anymore, I'm absolutely on the hook for a long time, and I'll let the DVRs sort it all out later."


  1. Jennifer J.11:34 PM

    Definitely a keeper, Adam. I'm so happy it went down the way I hoped it would. Now I just hope the Heroes will let it all go and become one team and kick some villian butt now. Otherwise, they're toast.

    Did you also think Boston Rob was mostly blowing smoke up Coach's ass? Except for the "man up" part, of course.

    I'm delighted Cerie is gone. I cannot stand when people do not get rid of outright threats. Plus, I'm a Colby fan *and* from Texas, so "we" won tonight. :)p

  2. Jim Bell11:53 AM

    I was not expecting Cirie to go home anytime soon at the beginning of this episode, even though she would have been one of my first picks if I were actually there with Gilligan and the Skipper.  I was, therefore, delighted that at least JT seemed to come to his senses. I don't think it tells us anything about Colby or Tom since they (at least Colby and the voting block with Tom) were on the chopping block.  We will have to see how it plays out.  In other news, I really hope that Russell can figure out a way to stay because he truly is awesome to watch.

    Adam, it might be fun to sketch out for each survivor who they "should" align with and who those alliances "should" eliminate first.  I wonder if that would lend itself to one of those fun charts we used to do for "I Never".

  3. Carmichael Harold12:05 PM

    Another really great episode, and I was pleased that they added/showed the rewards challenge this time (not to mention that they chose one that was pretty easy on the eyes).

    I think I've now moved from disliking Coach (his first season) to being amused by Coach (first few eps) to being actually concerned about his mental health. 

  4. bella wilfer1:47 PM

    What a GREAT episode.  A tribal council with true tension, and a blindside that eliminated one of the biggest strategic threats in the game.  (Though I do miss Cirie on my TV screen already - she's so much fun to watch).  Best shot of the night goes to that creepy angle on JT standing in the woods listening to Cirie try to change everyone's mind about Candace.  Best line of the night goes to Boston Rob - "that's not much of a Coach, if you ask me."  I love this show.
