Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MY NAME IS MY NAME: I forgot to throw something up about last night's Chuck. I realize that there's a great deal of frustration among the Chuck-Sarah contingent, and last night seems to have changed the direction of that vector while nicely avoiding clarity about which direction the vector is now pointing. But Chuck is a show that virtually begs you not to think too hard about it, to just enjoy the ride. The ride, thankfully, is fun. Last night gave us a different side of Zack Levi's comic chops, a different depth of Chuck's maturation (and Sarah's too), and a different mystery about Casey's backstory. And the same great music.

Also, the show has done something that too few shows do these days: introduce tension without introducing an irritating character. Brandon Routh's Agent Shaw is, mockingly gratuitous shirtlessness notwithstanding, a good guy who wants the best for all of our characters, even the ones whose hearts he's breaking. I have a feeling he's not long for Chuck's world, but unlike a Bryce or even a Bartowski Senior, they're nicely setting up his dispatch for an emotional wallop.