Monday, February 28, 2011

I DON'T HAVE ANY DEEPER ISSUES. I LIKE TO KEEP THINGS RIGHT ON THE SURFACE:  The NYT's David Carr -- a former addict himself (as he alludes to in the piece) -- wonders why a corporate America which otherwise takes abuse and harassment of women seriously looks the other way when it comes to Charlie Sheen.

added:  Sheen spoke on some of the morning shows today.  To ABC News, he said, "I got tiger blood, man. My brain….fires in a way that is -- I don't know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm."

Poniewozik: "[T]here's a sad sense of overcompensating in Sheen's bragging. 'I won Best Picture at 20,' he said. 'Wasn't even trying.' (For the record, he was in Platoon; the movie won Best Picture, actors do not.) All the glory-days references, the Top Gun and F-18 imagery—there's this sense of Sheen as the guy who was once almost Tom Cruise, then wasn't."


  1. Adlai1:26 PM

    Yes, what Carr (and lots of other people) have said. I don't care about Sheen hurting himself, but I find it awful that people were/are so willing to overlook domestic violence. 

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's clear that this guy is mentally ill and has been self-medicating for years.  He needs more than rehab- he needs a psychiatrist.

  3. girard315:14 PM

    His behavior is either A) a big joke he's making himself laugh with; or B) the manic phase of bi-polar disorder firing up. I'm pretty sure it's B.

    The article about why he wasn't booted for the earlier incidents is spot on.

    Everyone loved cashing the checks, but it appears no one liked being a part of that show, excpet maybe the kid.

  4. What are you in for?  ...  Drugs?
    No!! ...what are you in for?
