Thursday, March 3, 2011

GLASSWORTS: There is an obvious question about last night's Top Chef All Stars, which for spoiler reasons I'll ask below the fold.

So, when everyone's this (apparently) exceptional, are you fine with everyone making it to the final trip, or (as with every other season) do you expect well-qualified judges to make difficult, painful choices because it's a competition and that's what has to happen. I'm partial to the latter -- yes, it's tough, and yes, it's going to be sad to watch, but that's part of why we watch these shows. Even if no one made a notable mistake, some things just taste better than others, right?

Gail Simmons: "[W]hen we got to Judges’ Table, we realized there was no way to penalize any of them for what they had made. We, for the first time, were at a stalemate. We just couldn’t think of a legitimate reason to get rid of anyone. But I don’t want anyone to think that this is setting a precedent. This is not the point of the show. It took probably an hour of begging our producers to let us do it. They kept us there for a while, saying 'Guys, deal with it. Make a decision.' Then finally, after a long time of hashing it out and none of us feeling comfortable, we decided to bring everyone to the finale."

Colicchio said the same thing, more or less.