Thursday, August 18, 2011

ALL HE'D WANTED WERE THE SAME ANSWERS THE REST OF US WANT: Even though ALOTT5MA Unnecessary Remakes Week is over, I'm not going to ignore the news today that Ridley Scott has signed on to do a sequel or prequel to Blade Runner.


  1. Benner6:47 PM

    Unnecessary Replicant Week?

  2. isaac_spaceman6:48 PM

    No, no, no, no, no.  At dinner a week or two ago, all three of the men present (to the puzzlement of all three of the women present) agreed that this movie needs no remake, sequel, or prequel.  It cannot be improved, but it certainly can be sullied. 

  3. bella wilfer7:36 PM

    It's especially funny considering he's currently doing an Alien prequel...

  4. slowlylu8:31 PM

    This is my Humilation winning film that I've never seen despite doing a film degree. Every single time I fall asleep at about the 30 minute mark.

  5. Eric J.9:31 PM

    I'd say anyone who considers this a good idea would fail the Voight-Kampf test.

  6. Duvall10:02 PM

    I'll admit to being kind of interested in seeing another story from the Bladerunner world as long as it isn't a true sequel or remake.  

    That said, Tony Scott's THE WILD BUNCH would be completely unnecessary.

  7. One of the things I love about Blade Runner is that it has all these voids and jagged edges for the viewer to fill in with imagination.  A vast, rich, complicated, world is hanging there in all the places the story suggests but doesn't go, or that the camera pans by too quickly for a good look; and happily, miraculously, no one "tightened it up" in editing or spackled it over with exposition.  If fear that the world I have imagined into that space would be polluted by a sequel -- any sequel -- but particularly one that costs big money and has to be geared to please a big audience.

  8. Jenn.1:24 PM

    I love this sentence:  "<span>It cannot be improved, but it certainly can be sullied."</span>

    This sums up in ten words my reactions to the fourth Indiana Jones movie, and to so many other prequels, sequels, and remakes.

  9. Bob in SA9:32 PM

    This isn't a mistake. It's a HUGE mistake.
