Thursday, August 18, 2011

LET ME BE ME: Like a lot of people, I read Will Leitch's profile of Michael Vick in GQ published online this morning, and, um, is there something I'm missing? Because when you just focus on the parts in which Vick is directly quoted, there's not much there, there, other than the insight that the NFL steered him away from signing with Buffalo or Cincinnati (which had offered him starting jobs) and towards a third-string role in Philadelphia. Beyond that, as much as Leitch tries to suggest that there's a bolder, less remorseful Michael Vick out there being restrained by his PR advisors, the evidence backing that spin seems just doesn't appear on the record.

As I've suggested in the past, I remain uncomfortable with Vick's being the starting quarterback for the Eagles, and believe that atonement and a changed life can only be demonstrated over time. And so far, he's doing that.