Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PARLEZ-VOUS THING THROWER? A request from one of our faithful readers, a friend of mine since days of yore--they are planning a trip to France for approximately two weeks in October, flying into and out of London, and then making their way across the Channel. Paris and Normandy are definitely on the itinerary, and they are open to potential other locations in France or elsewhere (they'll rent a car for at least part of the time). Museum, restaurant, tourist-y site suggestions are all more than welcome. My suggestion would be to spend a day or two in London, take the Eurostar through the Chunnel, spend some time in Paris (where you decidedly don't need a car), and wrap up with a few days in Normandy, ideally returning the car and taking the ferry across the Channel, but I'm sure y'all will have far more expertise in the matter.