COME ON IN, GUYS: Other than the joy of seeing the first guy eliminated claim to have played the Best Game Ever (and the glorious return of the Dead Homies parade), there isn't that much to say about last night's Survivor finale, is there? The right person won, for the the right reasons, and it was even more impressive because....
Kim didn't need to (a) use her Hidden Immunity Idol or (b) bring Christina into the finals as an obvious undeserving goat. Think about it: Boston Rob, for all his awesomeness in Redemption Island, wasn't confident enough to bring his closest ally, Grant, into the finals with him. Yes, it takes skill to manipulate votes to get the weakest two in to the final tribal with you, but I'm more wowed by Kim's confidence in saying, in effect, "it doesn't matter who else comes into the final council; I still deserve to win."
So I had a slight fear that she had made the same mistake as Colby Donaldson, who had been just as dominant in his season, and made the same decision in bringing Tina Wesson into the finals with him instead of the irascible Keith Famie. He lost 5-2; Kim won 7-2-0. She knew her jury, and richly deserves her success.
Just four months until the Return of Skupin (and, apparently, Jonathan Penner and Russell Swan, neither of whose original seasons I've seen, but I know I'm supposed to like Penner, right?)