NATOing THE RUBBER OR FROM CASTRO TO MERKEL TO SOSA: With the NATO summit arriving in Chicago this weekend and it also happening to be the Crosstown Classic (Cubs vs. White Sox), I wrote a piece for ChicagoSide on the parallels between some some world leaders and their namesakes from Chicago baseball past and present. Who knew that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the infamous Fred Merkle both shared an aversion to surprise back rubs or that UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Gold Glove outfielder Mike Cameron both value teamwork?
Turst me, it's funny and while you are there, bookmark the site and browse through the archives. It's the brainchild of Jonathan Eig, the author of bestselling books on Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, and Al Capone, and basically serves up a literate Chicago sports story a day, the kind of which you don't find in the local papers anymore.