Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HOW I MET THE END OF MY ROPE:  I stopped watching HIMYM about halfway through the season, came back for last night's season finale, and feel pretty good about abandoning the show. It's not so much the the artificial twists to delay The Big Reveal -- though that's part of it -- but rather that I can no longer enjoy the hammy, sitcommy stuff like Lily's birth scene or the airport security confrontation in a show that has done the subtle, emotional stuff fairly well when it finally gets down to doing it (like having Robin confront Ted on his fundamental doucheness).

We've now seen Ted allegedly trying to find Your Mother seven seasons and 160 episodes. Enough already. The character is the weak link, and I don't really care who he ends up with because unlike the other four leads, he hasn't really grown up or changed in any meaningful way. So I'll keep the TiVo season pass, and watch an episode if y'all tell me it's great, but otherwise, yeah, done.