MODERN ETIQUETTE: Ken Tremendous tweeted a question two nights ago:
Crowd source, please: when you get take-out, do you tip on credit card receipt, and if so how much? Scenario: you order from a mid-range sit-down restaurant. Bill is $36.22. How much do you tip on the credit card receipt? I need to make this clear: I'm picking up the food at the restaurant. They're not delivering it.
So I asked
Inq restaurant critic Craig LaBan yesterday in his chat, and he responded:
You do leave a tip, Adam, because someone has to coordinate, package and organize that order, which is at least as involved as walking it from the kitchen to your table. However you choose to do that - cash or credit - is up to you. But I always leave a tip on take out or delivery, 15% minimum...
Thoughts? (Ken had settled on "I'm going to say that you leave 7.5-10%. Because it's nice to tip, and working in a restaurant is hard. Can I get an amen?") I'll be honest: I hadn't been tipping before on takeout-from-non-takeout-restaurants. But I will start.