Tuesday, January 5, 2010

YOU TOOK ME BY THE HAND, MADE ME A MAN: Melora Hardin, better known to us as Jan Levinson-Gould, will release her first CD--a mixture of Broadway standards and new material she wrote, later this year. And, no, "That One Night" isn't on there, though "I Dreamed A Dream" is--take that, Susan Boyle.


  1. Wow, I had no idea she was a singer (I had the same reaction while watching the Oscars and thinking "Why is Toby's ex-wife singing while people are dancing around a burning car int he background?")

  2. Isaac Spaceman12:36 PM

    I'd rather buy a homemade candle.

  3. I've never watched the Office - so my most memorable Melora Hardin role is the kid daughter in the "North Avenue Irregulars."  Very weird little Disney flick from the 70s that I watched for the first time a couple of years back. 

  4. jcpbmg1:01 PM

    Will the album be called "Serenity by Melora"

  5. Maggie1:30 PM

    Watts - North Avenue Irregulars was family favorite as a kid.  Cloris Leachman! Richard Gilmore! the mom from Freaky Friday!  Wacky hijinks involving a Presbyterian minister and his flock trying to stop organized crime...

  6. Meghan3:01 PM

    Just when she was really gaining some recognition, she decides to blow it on this?  C'mon.

  7. Watts3:17 PM

    Not being exactly its target audience (not a kid, not a parent of a child desperate to watch a movie that involved neither singing nor animation) I don't know that I enjoyed it to its fullest.  But I could see that it was fun for what it was supposed to be.  Plus, great chase scenes for that budget/type of movie. 

  8. Also, in re Susan Boyle, my mother had a copy of the CD in her car.  Once I realized that this was the case, my response was "Oh, so you're to blame."

  9. So wrong, so right...

    Hm.  I don't know what to think about this.
