Tuesday, April 17, 2012

THE DILEMMA OF THE LOVESICK LOTHARIO: How many times on a sit-com is the optimal number of times for the incurable womanizer character to fall hopelessly, romantically, head-over-heels in love? My answer: you get to fire that bullet only once (Sam Malone). Dissents from: Bright-Kauffman-Crane (Joey Tribbiani, at least twice that I can remember in eleven seasons of Friends, plus once on Joey); Bays/Thomas (Barney Stinson, at least three times in seven seasons of How I Met Your Mother). If you fall in puppy-dog-heartsick-strings-on-the-soundtrack-once-in-a-lifetime love every other year, you are not an incurable Lothario. You are that guy who always thinks he is falling in love. You are just a sluttier Ted Mosby.