Sunday, April 15, 2012

MINDLESS ADVERTISING: The last few times I've been to the movies, as part of the pre-show, I've been subjected to a very odd ad for boyband Mindless Behavior (which apparently wants to be the new B2K), which, sadly, I can't seem to find on the Internet.  In the ad, we hear little (if any) actual music, but instead, lots of screaming fans together with bold statistics in all-caps like "MILLIONS OF YOUTUBE VIEWS!," "TRENDING ON TWITTER FROM OVER 50 COUNTRIES!," "THOUSANDS AT MALL OF AMERICA IN-STORE!," and, my favorite, "EXCLUSIVE MERCHANDISE LINE AT KMART!"  What, exactly, is the goal of this ad?  It certainly tells me that this group is popular among teenagers, but gives me no idea what they sound like (the answer appears to be "the unholy union of Justin Bieber and T-Pain" judging from this video) or why I should want to buy their records.  Is it to get people to pitch endorsement deals to them?  Is it to tell parents "this is popular, buy it for your kids?"  I just don't understand it.