Thursday, April 12, 2012

EASY READER:  A question for e-reader owners: other than books which aren't available electronically for your device, for what books to do you still purchase the hard copy rather than download?  Reason I'm asking is that with Robert Caro's LBJ IV on the near horizon, I'm torn between two instincts—continuing my hardcover set of this historic series, versus saving myself the schlep of a 736 page, 2.8 pound tome.

related: Esquire's Chris Jones, on Robert Caro. "It's not just Caro's single-mindedness that makes repeating The Years of Lyndon Johnson a modern impossibility. The world outside his office has changed in the nearly four decades since he began. Publishers might like to pretend that they're different from other manufacturers, or at least that they're farms rather than factories, but they're not. Books like Caro's don't make corporate sense anymore, if they ever did."  (HT: @KenTremendous)