THAT WASN'T VERY LADYLIKE: Reintroductions having been made, last night's Game of Thrones dived right into the plot. Stannis's pair of first moves -- one marshal, the other romantic -- seem ill-advised and uncomfortable; Theon's corresponding moves are received even more humiliatingly. Tyrion's first move is astute and satisfying. Dany can't move at all. The Night's Watch sends out a call for men, but it looks like most of what they're getting is political traitors, children, and criminals so foul that they have to travel in a cage, plus two children of murdered noblemen. Sam and Jon just can't follow orders. All that plus some sexposition apparently designed to be more stomach-churning than titillating.
Missing in action: Joffrey, Sansa, Robb, Caitlin, Jaime, and Renly.