- It was all a dream, a horrible, horrible, overly literal dream, right? And one which didn't need to be matched by having Sally cowering under furniture as well a few scenes later.
- Yay, Joan. About fucking time, and especially because she didn't forget what happened before the marriage. May Greg face the same fate as Doug Niedermeyer.
- We almost never get Peggy-Roger scenes. That was brilliant. My goodness has she grown up.
- Is this where Sally starts to follow her mother's path? Because Seconal's kinda hardcore.
- Nice to get a Zosia Mamet sighting before her new job starts next week on HBO.
- When was the last time a Mad Men episode revolved so little around the work? Yes, there was the stuff about the shoe pitch, but it felt so peripheral.
Last week may have been a misstep; we're back on track now.