Monday, September 13, 2010

I'M SORRY, BUT THE PRINCESS IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE: 25 years ago today, Super Mario Bros. arrived in Japan (it arrived on US shores a month later, with the launch of the NES). Until 2009, when it was unseated by Wii Sports, it remained the best-selling video game of all time, and has spawned 13 Super Mario sequels over at least 7 different consoles, not to mention an abundance of spinoffs. Let's listen to the theme song.


  1. Heather K9:47 AM

    It also spawned a really unfortunate nickname for me in middle school 'Lord Goomba' in reference to the little mushrooms that moved that bore a striking resemblance to my last 80's, early 90's hair cut.  Thanks Matt for bringing that one back. *faux grumble, grumble, grumble*

  2. Paul Tabachneck9:50 AM

    THAT was awesome. 

  3. cagey9:58 AM

    We are currently mired in molton lava as we try to bust ourselves out of World 8-1.  Sigh.

    Also?  My 5 year old wants to be Bowser for Halloween.  I don't sew, but I suppose I can buy a glue gun or something.  And I am not going to even question why the hell my sweet, precious snowflake wants to be what is essentially the Dark Overlord of a video game, rather than the chirpy, spritely heroes.  Double Sigh.

  4. gretchen10:27 AM

    I had what I'm sure was a similar haircut in sixth grade, and looking back, I am convinced that it's only dumb luck (or uncreative classmates) that allowed me to escape that particular nickname.  There but for the grace of God ...

  5. I like this one, too, from the Best of Youtube podcast:

  6. My almost-five-year old is OBSESSED with Super Mario (more watching his father play than playing himself, for now). It's actually ridiculously adorable how into it he is (honestly, he gets more expressively excited about the game than I've ever seen him get excited about anything, ever--including Disney World, birthdays, and getting a baby sister), but I realize it's also kind of the beginning of the end.

  7. Heather K12:09 PM

    My siblings and my cousin gave me the name, which blessedly did not spread to school but was year round and pretty constant anyway.  That is ok, later we convinced my youngest brother he had cancer and I bent the other brother's fear to my will, so I guess we should call it a wash.

  8. cagey4:27 PM

    JSG, our nearly 5 year old IS playing with us and in most cases, is more skilled than we are - he certainly is better at beating the Bosses than we are.  Not sure that is something of which I should be proud or ashamed.

  9. Jenn.5:30 PM

    One year, my younger brother and sister gave up Nintendo for Lent.  At which point, my sister took to playing the theme songs to Frogger and Super Mario Brothers on the piano.  Sigh.

  10. isaac_spaceman7:27 PM

    Oh, Spaceboys 1.0 and 2.0 have the entire Super Mario soundtrack on their iPods.  1.0 knows and loves the entire soundtrack (and hums it incessantly).  2.0 has his favorites, especially Sweet Sweet Galaxy and Final Battle.  It's actually decent soundtrack music, though -- mostly full-orchestra. 

    And 1.0 calls me every day at 4:00 sharp to give me an update on where we are on our quest for 121 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 241 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2. 

  11. isaac_spaceman7:28 PM

    I meant to say "Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack," not Super Mario .

  12. The question is, would it be sweet, sweet relief from the Annie soundtrack, or trading my frying pan for the fire if I got the Super Mario soundtrack.

    Of course, I hear the damn thing in my head all day long anyway. And every time the "Help" offer pops up I think someone's ringing the doorbell.

  13. cagey9:05 PM

    Everytime the Help pops up with ringing doorbell, our dog runs to the door and barks.  Which is just awesome.  AWESOME.

  14. Genevieve11:54 AM

    Ya'll would like this:  Super Claudio Bros., a videogame Musical (I know the folks in it but didn't see it, but it got great reviews at the DC Fringe Festival)  Demos of songs here.
