Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HANGIN’ WITH MR. COOPER: Now that’s exactly what I wanted from a flash-sideways. It told us something relevant about the alternate-world characters, it brought back some people I missed, it mentioned others, it gave us something to think about regarding the timeline (we know that the Linuses actually made it to the island, and it wouldn’t have made sense for them to go there if Pierre Chang/Marvin Candle weren’t there supervising the project; we’ve now also seen, in Los Angeles, two of the people who were born on the island before The Event), it started to weave together the divergent strands of the Oceanic passengers, and it worked as a stand-alone. I’m still waiting for Desmond, the constant, to show up in the flash-sidewayses to blow our minds with his out-of-timeliness, but if they’re all as good and useful as that one, the wait will be pleasant enough.