Sunday, March 14, 2010

THAT'S RIGHT, TOODIE. I AM: ALOTT5MA Fave Anthony Bourdain, two items.

1. In an NYT Mag article on the rise to whatever-she-is-now of Gwynneth's friend The Lovely Katie Lee Joel:
“Why people want to watch people cooking and eating on TV — I’m still trying to figure that out,” says Anthony Bourdain, a longtime restaurant chef whose phenomenally successful best seller, “Kitchen Confidential,” became his pivot into information-packed food-travel shows. “In the beginning,” he adds, harking back to Julia Child and even Emeril Lagasse, “some believable ability with food, some kind of credential, was at least implied.” He doesn’t think that’s the case anymore, and says, “Just as teenage girls need nonthreatening teen idols, whether they sing or appear in vampire movies, America clearly needs likable people who appear in the kitchen.”
2. When Gabbaland's Toodie isn't feeling well, Dr. Tony makes housecalls with perhaps the greatest line reading since Alec Baldwin intoned about his deity status in Malice. Video below the fold:

Via Bourdain's blog:: "I love YO GABBA GABBA. I don't care what you say, DJ Lance, Muno, Broby, Foofa, Toodie and Plex have taught my daughter many valuable lessons--like the desirability of napping, for one. Not to throw objects at Daddy's skull. Not biting. The value of 'trying again' and 'not giving up.' All set to surprisingly weird, offbeat songs which--in another venue and with other lyrics, one might find oneself enjoying at a club. They get good indie bands as guests, and Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO is a regular. I know every song and every lyric by heart."