Thursday, April 22, 2010

WHO MAKES STEVE GUTTENBERG A STAR? OK, I don't get Starz, so have missed out on Party Down, but just five minutes of the 4 episodes streaming online right now indicates that this is something I (and probably you) should be watching, if just for the sarcastic description of Ayn Rand as someone who "wrote books about how awesome awesome people are" and the true sign of affluence--owning Herbie: Fully Loaded on both Blu-Ray and DVD. Check it out.


  1. If you've got Netflix, you can Instant Watch the entire first season.  I believe the second will be available as it airs.

  2. Maret2:09 PM

    I think it is my favorite comedy on TV right now. SO worth watching.

  3. bad dad2:30 PM

    Our cable system has Starz on Demand. ALL of season 1 and episodes 201 & 205 (the aforementioned Gutenberg ep) are available. It's up there with Community as my favorite comedy right now.

  4. FWIW, I just checked, and Best Buy has Season 1 for $14.95, which I'm assuming is a sensible investment.  Why doesn't Lizzy Caplan have her own sitcom?

  5. You're right, CW: I already have Season 2 in my Insta-Netflix queue, and it says it'll be available starting Friday. I'm rewatching Season 1 via my Wii right now. Absolutely one of the funniest shows on air.

  6. Alan Sepinwall5:03 PM

    She does have her own sitcom. This one. (Where she's as much the lead as Adam Scott is.) And it is awesome. And I'm going to be very annoyed if Starz doesn't order a third season, and/or if the network sitcom she signed to do gets picked up, preventing her from doing a hypothetical third season.

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    bd here -

    unrelated threadjack: Am I the only one seeing something wrong with this shirt made for pre-teen girls?
