Thursday, July 14, 2011

CARMAGEDDON COULD ALSO BE THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE WHERE SEAN BEAN IS SHOT WHILE BEING STRANGLED WHILE DRIVING: Los Angelino thing-throwers: how are you going to survive Carmageddon (for non-Angelinos: the trafficocalpyse resulting from this weekend's three-day shutdown of the 405 freeway between the 10 and the 101, possibly for construction or possibly just because Michael Bay wants a bikini-clad helicopter pilot to drop napalm-soaked dynamite trucks on it)? My guess is that the budget for personal hovercraft rentals at CAA and WME is through the roof.

And non-Angelinos: how would you survive the catastrophic closure of 10 miles of freeway, leaving you only 517 other miles of freeway and 382 miles of traditional highway to get you where you're going, which is nowhere, because you have already been warned to stay inside and away from the deleterious effects of Carmageddon?