Friday, July 15, 2011

THERE IS A PUB QUIZ, BUT I IMAGINE IT'S BUTTERBEER-ONLY: LeakyCon 2011, a Harry Potter fan convention, is happening right now in Orlando, and since at least one of our readers is included in it let's take a look at the agenda:
Rowling's Not So Flawed Plan: The Elder Wand as a Symbol of Masculine Power and the Importance of Love Between Its Masters (Essie Pinsky)
This lecture will examine the phallic nature of The Elder Wand, and its use as a symbol of masculine power, and identity. Essie will discuss the factors that allowed Harry to defeat Voldemort in the penultimate chapter of Deathly Hallows by examining the importance of love between the men in the Harry Potter universe. She will compare the true path of the Elder Wand to the false one, and determine the factors required to become a true master of The Elder Wand.

Death Eater Recruitment and Training (Tom Forrister)
This informational training session is for those who identify as Death Eaters and/or those who identify as “other” but still want a piece of the action. Bring your cosplay or roleplay experience to a whole new level in this combination of LARPing and lifestyling. We will discuss the purpose and structure of the Order of the Dark Lord, protocols, drills, standing orders, intimidation techniques, and applying theatrical principles for combat and other dramatic effect.

Casting Your Patronus: The Representation of Mental Processes in Harry Potter Novels (David Martin)
In the Harry Potter novels J. K. Rowling has given us several valuable metaphors for thinking about what goes on inside our heads: Depression (dementors), irrational fears (boggarts), daydreaming (the Mirror of Erised), and other things. For Rowling, these are real. This presentation explores these metaphors. What does Rowling say about her imaginary creature or object? What does modern psychology say about the issue represented by that creature or object? What can we learn and use? And
then we'll have some chocolate.