Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TOY STORY 4: BUZZ LIGHTYEAR GETS HOOKED ON PILLS: At least according to Aaron Sorkin, Steve Jobs watched Studio 60 (Sorkin doesn't name the show, but given timing, seems likely he's referring to Studio 60) and called Sorkin upon its cancellation "to make sure you're not discouraged," as well as approaching Sorkin about working with the folks at Pixar on a movie, which would have been the walkiest-talkiest animated movie ever.


  1. You know what they would need for that movie?  A choreo-animator.

  2. Sorkin + Pixar = Win. I mean, I'd see that movie. Absolutely.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The overlap in that Venn diagram is Allison Janney (Peach in Finding Nemo).  And heck yeah, I'd see it.

  4. Genevieve3:48 PM

    Guest was me.

  5. Too bad that's all:  It strikes me that Richard Schiff would make for an awesome "disgruntled toy."
