Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TWO PEOPLE MADE THIS MESS:  Longtime Thrower of Things Paul Tabachneck could use your help funding his new album, and has many goodies to offer if you do.


  1. andrewraff2:37 PM

    Is it wrong to donate for the purpose of forcing Paul to record a cover of a non-"Save Tonight" Eagle-Eye Cherry song?

  2. The Pathetic Earthling2:47 PM

    I'm going to come in at some level, but oughtn't we put together a ALOTT5MA kitty together to make Paul record some pretty awful stuff for our amusement?

  3. The Pathetic Earthling2:47 PM

    No. It is not!

  4. Adam B.3:04 PM

    $100, for any cover we want? Including but not limited to "Tears Are Not Enough," Canada's response to "We Are The World"?

  5. ....wait, there's a non-"Save Tonight" Eagle Eye Cherry song?

  6. We're adding Paul to the entertainment slate for ALOTT5MA-Con (as discussed at an informal meetup in LA last week, other entertainment includes keynotes from Linda Holmes and Shonda Rhimes, and a special live edition of Firewall and Iceberg).

  7. lisased8:47 AM

    I'll cook for the con suite!

  8. Marsha12:38 AM

    You keep talking about this long enough, you're going to have to make it happen. After all, Watts managed to have her own personal ALOTT5MA-Con this past week - she managed to see at least 5 of us while in Chicago....

    ALOTT5MA-Con is about the only Con I can ever imagine myself attending.

  9. OK, I just you-tubed that song, and I would relish this.
