Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'M STILL WAITING FOR MY COPY OF "THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF HERCULES" TO ARRIVE FROM NETFLIX: With "The Simpsons" celebrating 20 years this Sunday, IGN has a fun look at the Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters, with No. 1 being a character who last appeared on the show in Season 10.


  1. The Pathetic Earthling3:16 PM

    The Little Earthling responds to any effort to put on sunscreen with "Grease Me Up, Woman!" in a passable Scottish brogue.  

  2. I'm glad they never tried to replace Phil Hartman's voice.  That was respectful and appropriate, as opposed to the wrong-sounding Muppets they had after Jim Henson died:" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

    Missing from the list: Dr. Hibbert, Nelson, Rainier Wolfcastle.

  3. Meghan4:29 PM

    Seriously.  Nelson's "Ha-ha!" is every bit as iconic as Comic Book Guy's "Worst. ______.  Ever."

    I didn't realize that Lionel Hutz still makes silent appearances.  That's a nice homage.

  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    The Simpsons is approaching Disney- or McDonalds- level subcutanious burrowing into the collective unconscious.  Littlest Nobo, age 2 and never having seen the Simpsons, followed the plumber, who in a roundabout way resembles Bart's dad, as he did his work fixing our toilet today.  After the plumber left, littlest Nobo looked up to Mrs. Nobo and asked "where Homer go?"

    Jung was right.

  5. kevbo nobo7:53 PM

    oops, Im Guest.

  6. Kang and Kodos are missing, too.  So is Kent Brockman and the Blue-Haired Lawyer.  Not sure if Stephen "Larry Flynt is right!" Hawking, who's been in three or four or five episodes by now, counts as a peripheral character.

    Frank Grimes #17?  Feh, he doesn't even belong in the top 50 if you're going to include one-episode characters, since he'd be bumped by the likes of Jacques and Mojo the Helper Monkey.

    And even Gil is funnier than Disco Stu. 

  7. Disco Stu9:37 AM

    Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976?  If these trends continue......ayy!!

  8. Andrew3:13 PM

    Disco Stu was a perfect one-joke character whose awesomeness was so overwhelming, he's recurred and the average level of awesomeness per appearance has dropped down the more he says. Remember, Disco Stu doesn't advertise. 
