Wednesday, January 6, 2010

THE WOW FACTOR: I still haven't seen Avatar (though on the list for the immediate future), but is there any question that it's going to win the Visual Effects Oscar? I mean, why are we even bothering to have 6 other "finalists?" That said, it's nice to see some diversity--District 9 made use of a fair number of practical makeup effects, supplemented by CGI, and for all the flaws of Transformers 2 and 2012, there was some fine effects work there.


  1. calliekl3:42 PM

    Yeah, really no hope for any of the other contenders. I still have no intention of seeing it, because the only thing anyone can tell me is that it looks amazing.

    On a side note, is the 1-day long Best Picture marathon still going to happen, even though there will be 10 nominees? I hope they still do something, because I'd actually like to go this year, although I don't think I can sit through 10 movies, I don't care how good they are...

  2. Callie -

    Here's what I'll tell you...I just got home from seeing it, and I wish I had my $11.75 and 3 hours back.  There wasn't a single thing in the movie that I didn't see coming a mile away, and skin deep beauty gets old after a while.

  3. Marsha4:49 PM

    I won't be seeing it because (a) I need movies to have a good plot and (b) I don't need to see it for Oscar purposes because I already know it will win every effects Oscar.
