Friday, July 30, 2010

THIS TONER IS DIAMONDS: Lovers of Chuck and The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, rejoice: I'm On a Morgan. Via Zach Levi.


  1. bill.5:37 PM

    At a movie theater the other night people applauded the Old Spice Commercial. To quote Charlie Brown, "Good Grief." Am I the only person unimpressed with these things?

  2. isaac_spaceman5:40 PM

    Sounds like it. 

  3. Travis7:12 PM

    I'm just confused over the conflicting reports I hear regarding sales.

    I believe it was a link from this site that I saw sales were not increasing even though this ad was wildly popular amongst the target demographic, and then I saw another figure yesterday claiming that sales were up 140%.

  4. isaac_spaceman8:21 PM

    Adweek:  For some reason, some people implausibly want to attribute the increase to "aggressive couponing."  Really?  So you can double sales with coupons?  Haters gonna hate.

  5. I'm a user.  I want to encourage better advertising.
