Wednesday, September 29, 2010

THIMK PIMK: Quick question: Now that we've picked a new Idol judging panel and baseball is just about over, can we pull the plug on the Joe Buck-Kara DioGuardi-Tim McCarver breast cancer awareness ads? I'm thinking that for the fall season, maybe they should go with the equally appealing Chris Berman-Dina Lohan-Mahmoud Ahmandinejad trio.


  1. Joseph J. Finn4:24 PM

    Now now, McCarver is not that bad.  I mean, he's no Joe Morgan.

  2. Benner6:19 PM

    Is baseball's thinking that by running ads with KdG, Buck, and McCarver, people will associate breast cancer as something unpleasant? 

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Interesting article you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. The only thing your blog needs is some pics of some gizmos.

    David Trider
    cell blocker
