Monday, October 11, 2010

FROM THE ALOTT5MA LINGUISTICS DESK: If you're a sports journalist, you can't just fling around adjectives willy-nilly like a fun-loving gunslinger. Accuracy matters. So let's be clear:
  • An "inappropriate" picture would be if Brett Favre had sent images of a vacation spot to which he wanted to take someone who wasn't interested in traveling with him. 
  • A "racy" picture would involve Brett Favre clad in a bathrobe or wrapped in a towel with an insinuating grin on his face.
Kudos, then, to the journalists who properly called them "graphic" pictures, "explicit" pictures or, in the case of Orlando Sentinel, "pornographic" pictures.  Because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes it's a middle-aged dude's penis that no one wanted to see.


  1. isaac_spaceman9:12 PM

    Deleted two completely separate comments before realizing that all I want to say is that this is not going to change my opinion of anybody involved.  Favre is still a self-absorbed asshole, Daulerio a douchebag, the Jets an organization of fratty enablers, Sterger a vapid but otherwise unobjectionable Z-lister, and Peter King an insufferable buffoon who couldn't find the point if it were poking him in the eye.  I thought it before and I still think it. 

  2. King, FWIW, went with "embarrassing voice mails and inappropriate photos (that might be the understatement of the year<span>)."  So how about not understating it and calling them what they are?</span>

  3. Ramar1:51 AM

    <span>Because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes it's a middle-aged dude's penis that no one wanted to see.</span>

    Speaking of fratty enablers, surely there's at least one major exception to this - Deadspin readers.  They certainly seemed eager enough to see Favre's penis, or at least were eager enough to see the latest target of their ire humiliated that they were willing to look at a middle-aged man's genitalia to accomplish that.  Degenerates.

  4. I'm tired of people talking about Favre.  Been tired.  Long been tired.  Still like watching him play ball though.  This isn't going to help.  Ball playing / talking ratio going to be completely top heavy.  Unavoidable, under the circumstances.  So, as long as there's going to be talking, somebody, please for the love of pete, go figure out why his alleged MySpace ID is "Screaming Lord Byron".  I await relate reportage with a slightly decreased edge of dread and frustration that might be mistaken for interest, times being what they are.

  5. er... bottom heavy.  the ratio, that is.  soz.

  6. Adam C.5:21 PM

    Wait, 41 (as of Sunday, per is middle-aged?  

  7. Middle for him, certainly.
