Tuesday, October 12, 2010

VIOLET! YOU'RE TURNING VIOLET, VIOLET!  Wonka three-course-dinner gum, becoming reality.


  1. Genevieve2:06 PM

    It sounds like they're working on creating what Wonka visualized, in terms of the flavor, but not trying to do what he had as the ultimate purpose, making this take the place of the nutrition of a 3-course meal.  Does it seem a little odd that they're trying to create exactly the flavor combination that Wonka envisioned?  I mean, the people who are working on invisibility material aren't trying to make Harry Potter's cloak, for the sake of making it.

    That said, I love people who are devoted to a good book.

  2. patricia2:25 PM

    Well, in fairness, it IS a tasty meal.  Not one I'd turn down because it's a little derivative.  :-)

  3. Genevieve5:53 PM

    True.  I personally am not a huge fan of tomato soup or roast beef, but they are still popular dishes.  And baked potato and blueberry pie, I will eat happily any time.

  4. calliekl6:11 AM

    I tried some of that new berry to mint gum, hoping for this kind of an outcome. Unfortunately, what I ended up with was berrymint gum that lost the berry flavor about 20 seconds in. Plus a husband who likes to yell "Get a hold of yourself" and try to throw something at me. We're very influenced by commercials.
