Friday, February 13, 2009

IF YOU'RE A CREEP, YEAH, YOU'RE A JERK, PRESS 1. IF YOU HAVE A NEW COMPLAINT FOREVER IN DEBT TO OUR PRICELESS ADVICE, PRESS 2. IF CLEARLY YOU REMEMBER PICKING ON THE BOY, PRESS 3. IF YOUR EYES NEED TO BE FED AND SEWN SHUT, PRESS 4. IF THIS IS YOUR KIND OF LOVE, PRESS 5. IF YOU'RE GOING TO EAT A LOT OF PEACHES, PRESS 6. IF THIS IS FACT NOT FICTION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS, PRESS 7. TO KISS THE SKY, PRESS 8. IF YOU'RE FEELING MINNESOTA, PLEASE HANG UP AND TRY YOUR CALL AGAIN: Something I learned flitting around on the web after reading Bob's post on Muzak: If you call the City of Seattle and are put on hold, rather than smooth jazz or Vivaldi, you get a selection of independent local artists. It looks like a pretty eclectic mix too, assuming that Choklate and Recess Monkey haven't incorporated "Quintet for Clarinet & Strings in A Major, K. 581, Allegro" and "Snijeg Pade Na Behar Na Voce" in their live shows. What a great idea.