NO FIGHT LEFT, OR SO IT SEEMS: The good news, via Nikki Finke -- the performances of Oscar-nominated songs have been reduced to a single ~5 minute medley, rather than 20+ minutes of Ain True Boredom interspersed throughout the proceedings.
The bad news, I suppose, is that Peter Gabriel's no longer interested in performing his WALL-E song, as he explained via letter: "[I]n recent discussions with the Producers, it became clear that despite there being only three nominees, only 60-65 seconds was being offered, and that was also in a medley of the three songs. I don't feel that is sufficient time to do the song justice, and have decided to withdraw from performing."
Respectfully, I doubt we're missing much -- I'll give you two memorable performances of nominated songs in the past decade, and that's about it: Dylan, "Things Have Changed"; and a jaunty little number by R. Williams & Company. (Okay, the Dylan performance isn't that good; I just wanted an excuse to link to this Barb Jungr cover of same.)
e.t.a. A third suggested by Mr. Fienberg: Elliott Smith, "Miss Misery".